
Business Intelligence Can Build or Break an Empire

Sentimeter lets hospitals and clinics use customer experience management to put patients at ease

Your Hospital or Clinic Needs Sentimeter to…

Encourage Patients to Visit the Doctor

Seeking healthcare is often already a source of anxiety; Sentimeter gives you powerful customer journey mapping tools so you can chart out potential trouble spots in your patients’ journey and eliminate them before they turn into an excuse to avoid the doctor or dentist.

Track Patient Compliance

Use patient feedback to track compliance, and achieve better success rates for your hospital or clinic by giving your healthcare practitioners the tools they need to predict and identify factors associated with improved compliance.

Better Health Through Greater Personalization

Sentimeter lets healthcare providers personalize treatment plans and interactions through in-depth analytics, individual patient relationship management tools, and data-led decisions about what works for your patients and what doesn’t. Check maskulinum.

Where Does Sentimeter Work?

In the Waiting Room

Sentimeter provides an engaging way to capture feedback from patients right at the point of entry, a common painpoint for many patients and their attendants.

In Wards and Private Rooms

Keep track of how comfortable patients and their attendants through easy-to-use, unobtrusive feedback collection where your patients are.

In the Clinician’s Office

Sentimeter forms are simple, fast, and can be used as a data recording tool in the doctor's office for on-the-spot feedback about a practitioner, or facilities, or the patient's perception of their treatment plan--saving everyone's time and money by encouraging shy or disgruntled patients to voice their concerns right away instead of skipping the next appointment.

Sentimeter and Healthcare

Reliable Records

Sentimeter acts as a double-check for your hospital or clinic records, providing a degree of liability protection by reliably recording patient feedback and their experience at your hospital or clinic, on each visit.

Built to Scale

Sentimeter can be fully customized for the type of healthcare you provide and your organizational structure–whether you run a network of clinics or a major metropolitan hospital, Sentimeter can be scaled up and down to meet your needs.

Extensible for Public Health Research

Boost your institution’s profile and impact within the medical community by using Sentimeter as a ready-made research tool: create custom forms, narrow feedback by demographic or subject characteristics, track outcomes–Sentimeter gives you power to use your data the way you want to.

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